An extremely rare and interesting early ecclesiastic seal
Los 2973
Stephanos, metropolitan bishop of Antioch in Pisidia, 7th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 12.36 g, 12 h). CTЄΦA/NOV The Mother of God holding infant Christ, both nimbate, crosses on either side. Rev. MH/TPOΠO/ΛHT૪ ΠI/CHΔHA/C in five lines. Unpublished in the standard references. An extremely rare and interesting early ecclesiastic seal. Minor surface roughness, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The owner of our seal can be identified as Stephanos, metropolitan of Antioch in Pisidia, who participated in the 6th Ecumenical Council (680/81). He was part of a large group of bishops who joined only after the council’s outcome was secure - likely to avoid unnecessary controversy and protect their positions. Stephanos also appears as an attendee of the Quinisext Council (691/92) in Constantinople.
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